Sampling & Analysis

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sampling & Analysis

SGS Galson provides a full range of air sampling and analysis services and equipment, including air quality monitoring, air quality testing and mold testing. We can help you choose the best and most economical air quality sampling method by providing options that include active sampling methods, passive sampling methods, real-time direct read instrumentation and detector tubes. We will provide you with expertise pertaining to hundreds of compounds and we’ll help you pick out the appropriate media. Please call or contact us or refer to the Quick Links “Sampling and Analysis Guide” and “Media Fee Schedule” for detailed information.


The SGS Galson Dual Column/Co-Solvent GC Method using our universal solvent system allows for a wide range of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to be collected on the same media. SGS Galson can perform air quality analysis of samples using a single analytical method with acceptable recoveries for all analytes. In addition to the single universal extraction, VOCs are now analyzed using dual column confirmation.

The Universal Solvent GC Method table lists the Limit of Quantitation (LOQs) depending on whether you use a 3M organic vapor badge (3M OVM), a small charcoal tube (SKC 226-01 SM CT) or a large charcoal tube (SKC 226-09 LG CT).

We can satisfy all of your LEED IEQ 3.2 and MSHA 30 CFR Testing requirements for air quality testing protocols and all of your hexavalent chromium testing and sampling needs too!


SGS Galson offers equipment for passive air quality monitoring and active air quality monitoring methods. Learn about the free passive sampling badge program and explore the air quality monitoring and testing equipment section at

We can help you find the most cost-effective monitoring solution that meets your specific need.