Sampling & Analysis

Ethylene dibromide / CAS# 106-93-4

NOTE: All prices include media and free pump loan, unless otherwise noted, and excluding passive sampling badges. See Media Fee Schedule.
NEW: Group pricing available for compatible metals and VOCs. Click Here for more information.

Ethylene dibromide [2] FEE PER SAMPLE: $66.00 COMPATIBLE ANALYTES: $37.00 METHOD: mod. NIOSH 1003; GC/FID
1,2- Dibromoethane FEE PER SAMPLE: $166.00 COMPATIBLE ANALYTES: METHOD: mod. OSHA PV2120/mod. EPA TO15; GC/MS
Canisters are to be used for ppb range only. No soil, gas, vapor, or source sampling. Samples should be analyzed within 30 days of collection. Panel Pricing is available for 1-3 and 4-6 compounds. Price includes a pre-cleaned can and regulator use. When using SGS Galson cans, this analysis is not available for discount. Any cans returned, unused, will be subject to a US$25 per can and a US$25 per regulator cleaning fee. Individual can certification is available, upon request, for an additional fee of US$75 per can.
ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUE:GC/MS COLLECTION MEDIUM:Minican ORDER NUMBER:Not Specified VOL. / TIME / AREA / MASS:0.4-1 L SAMPLING RATE:Grab-24 hr. integrated composite LOQ:0.8 ppbv
1,2- Dibromoethane FEE PER SAMPLE: $166.00 COMPATIBLE ANALYTES: METHOD: mod. OSHA PV2120/mod. EPA TO15; GC/MS
Canisters are to be used for ppb range only. No soil, gas, vapor, or source sampling. Samples should be analyzed within 30 days of collection. Panel Pricing is available for 1-3 and 4-6 compounds. Price includes a pre-cleaned can and regulator use. When using SGS Galson cans, this analysis is not available for discount. Any cans returned, unused, will be subject to a US$25 per can and a US$25 per regulator cleaning fee. Individual can certification is available, upon request, for an additional fee of US$75 per can.
ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUE:GC/MS COLLECTION MEDIUM:6L Canister ORDER NUMBER: -- VOL. / TIME / AREA / MASS:6 L SAMPLING RATE:24 hr.-1 week integrated composite LOQ:0.16 ppbv

Ethylene dibromide
Sampling & Analysis

Ethylene Dibromide comes in the form of a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor.  It is used as a soil fumigant, insecticide, nematicide, and in gasoline.

The substance enters the body through inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, or skin/eye contact.  It causes severe burns of the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract; it can also cause coughing, labored breathing, shortness of breath, and unconsciousness.  It is a known carcinogen.


View Notes


  1. Each additional compatible metal $26.
  2. Each additional compatible GC compound $37.
  3. Each additional compatible acid $37.
  4. Each additional compatible HPLC compound $54.
  5. Each additional compatible metals by ICP-MS $33.
  6. Other additional compatible analyte pricing; see additional compatible analyte column.

– Bulks used as analytical standards for GC analysis will be billed at $84
– LOQs listed do not include the desorption efficiency, which could result in higher detection levels. Please call the lab for more information.
– For additional Method information, please refer to the links on Method types.
– Review the published method when determining the correct number of field blanks to submit with your samples.
– The media shelf lives cited are the maximum possible shelf lives. Media should always be used by the expiration date on the label.
– The following surcharges will be added to the listed fees based on the following sample turnaround times:

** Same Day 200%
** Next Day (12pm) 150%
** Next Day (6pm) 100%
** Second Day 75%
** Third Day 50%
** Fourth Day 35%

Symbols Key

Symbols Key

Preferred method.
Ship overnight refrigerated.
Call in advance of sampling to order media.
A three sample minimum submittal is required.
Collect using 2 tubes in a series.
3M recommended maximum sampling hours.
Subcontracted analysis.
Protect samples from light.
Immediately after sampling remove from cassette and place in glass vial.
Please send, under separate cover, a sample (bulk) of your particular solvent for use as a reference standard. The bulk sample will be charged the analysis price. Additional analyses and fees may be required to determine the DE for results that do not match a common standard.
Reported results reflect elemental analysis of the requested metals. Certain compounds may not be solubilized during digestion, resulting in data that may be biased low.
Analyte is referenced in the published method. If more than one published method is cited, the analyte is referenced in at least one of the methods.

Compatibility Codes

Charcoal and carbon disulfide desorption.
Treated XAD-2 (2-(hydroxymethyl) piperidine and toluene desorption.
Silica gel and 95% ethanol desorption.
Tenax and carbon tetrachloride desorption.
OVS Sampler and toluene desorption.
Charcoal and 5% methanol in methylene chloride.
Treated GFF (1-(2 pyridyl) piperazine) and acetonitrile/dimethyl sulfoxide desorption.
Universal Solvent GC Method.