At SGS Galson, we don’t wait around to replicate “the other guys’ solution”.  For decades, we respond to a challenge with practical, smart, innovative solutions. The EPA recently identified ethylene oxide (EtO) as a potential carcinogen and SGS Galson responded. The...

Judging Lab Quality for Silica Analysis

By Bill Walsh, Industrial Hygiene Services Business Development, CIH The new silica standard requires that analytical laboratories performing analyses under this standard must be accredited to ISO17025.  SGS Galson is. We are also accredited for silica analysis by the...

Don’t Fret, Field Practioners: You Are Not Alone

In the hustle and bustle of today’s work environment, many times it feels absolutely impossible to get everything done at the level we want it done. To describe the work of field consultants as “multitasking” seems like an understatement. You meet with your clients,...
My Trip to Shanghai

My Trip to Shanghai

Since early August, 2014, Galson Labs has been a part of SGS, a global company providing inspection, verification, testing, and certification services. Although Galson has always had global clients, being part of a company with more than 1,650 offices and labs in 141...

Should I test for formaldehyde after watching 60 Minutes?

I did not watch the 60 Minutes segment Sunday regarding excess formaldehyde off-gassing from laminate flooring made in China and sold in the US by Lumber Liquidators. The first I heard of it was in our weekly conference call Tuesday where it was related that our...
Galson and SGS – Better Together!

Galson and SGS – Better Together!

As has previously been announced, Galson was recently purchased by SGS, the world’s largest certification and testing company based in Geneva, Switzerland. Those people who know me know that this is not the first time the company I worked for, owned by an equity...
Adventures at the U.S. Department of Labor

Adventures at the U.S. Department of Labor

On April first I had the experience of testifying about the proposed new silica standard at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington DC.  I did this in my role as Vice-Chair of the Analytical Accreditation Board, testifying on the portion of the proposed standard...