Resources & Accreditations
- SGS NA W-9 Form
- AIHA LAP Certificate
- AIHA-LAP, LLC Scope of Accreditation IHLAP
- AIHA-LAP, LLC Scope of Accreditation EMLAP
- AIHA-LAP, LLC Scope of Accreditation ELLAP
- Louisiana DEQ LELAP
- NYS DOH ELAP Environmental Analyses Air and Emissions
- NYS DOH NELAP Environmental Analyses Air and Emissions
- NYS DOH ELAP Environmental Analyses Solid and Hazardous Waste
- NYS DOH NELAP Environmental Analyses Solid and Hazardous Waste
- AIHA LAP-ELPAT – Paint/Soil/Dust Wipe
- AIHA-LAP, LLC – IHPAT – Diffusive
- PHENOVA – Lead
- LGC – Air and Stack Emissions (Air)
- PHENOVA – Air and Emissions (Anions, Cr+6, TP and VOC’s)
Accreditation to the globally-recognized international standard, ISO/ IEC 17025, “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories” requires that testing and calibration laboratories operate a quality system, are technically competent, and are able to generate technically valid results. It is the leading international laboratory quality management system (QMS) standard. Maintaining this accreditation is yet another step toward SGS Galson’s vision of being the global leader in providing our industrial hygiene and environmental health and safety clients with the finest data-collection resources for the protection of workers.
The standard covers every aspect of laboratory management, from sample preparation to analytical testing proficiency, record keeping, and reporting. It covers impartiality and confidentiality, structural requirements and resources, contract review, sampling and testing requirements including measurement uncertainty and evidence of traceability, document control, risk management, corrective action, and other aspects of a sound quality management system. SGS Galson’s accreditation to the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements is granted by the American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Programs (AIHA LAP, LLC), which is an ISO/IEC 17025 accrediting body. AIHA LAP, LLC accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 standard is validation of SGS Galson’s competence in chemical, environmental and biological testing. The accreditation also challenges us to continuously improve the quality and technical competency our laboratory and personnel. This accreditation can be seen on our AIHA LAP certificate of accreditations. The principles of the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements have been practiced in our laboratory for over 40 years.
The American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Program (AIHA LAP, LLC) has stood for integrity in industrial hygiene for nearly 50 years. SGS Galson has held AIHA LAP accreditation since 1979 (Lab ID 100324). AIHA LAP, LLC grants accreditation only to those laboratories that have successfully completed a rigorous application process. This process begins with an AIHA LAP, LLC review of an application from the laboratory describing the laboratory’s staff, facilities, methods, and quality management system, demonstrating compliance with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. If the application is deemed acceptable, an AIHA LAP, LLC site auditor will visit the lab in person to perform a detailed inspection of the quality assurance program, analytical standard operating procedures and methodologies, and more. A written report is then sent to the AIHA LAP, LLC Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Accreditation Committee (IHLAC), with past scores from the AIHA LAP, LLC Proficiency Analytical Testing (PAT) program. Participation in this quarterly program is a requirement for accreditation. The committee will then make a recommendation to the AIHA LAP Analytical Accreditation Board (AAB), which ultimately approves or denies accreditation. Once accredited, the laboratory must remain proficient in the PAT program and report any changes in key personnel, laboratory location and methodologies to the IHLAC for approval. Every two years the laboratory must complete a new application and go through the entire accreditation process all over again. SGS Galson (ID 100324) is accredited by the AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs, LLC (AIHA LAP, LLC) in the IHLAP, ELLAP, and EMLAP accreditation programs for a variety of Fields of Testing as documented by the Scope of Accreditation Certificate and associated Scopes.
Lab ID: 100324
SGS Galson is committed to continuing to exceed your standards of quality and integrity as we maintain our AIHA-LAP, LLC accreditation. Specific information and copies of certificates are included below: The American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Program (AIHA-LAP, LLC) has accredited SGS Galson since April 1976. This accreditation conforms to ISO/IEC 17025 standards. Current AIHA-LAP, LLC fields of testing (FOT) include Industrial Hygiene, Environmental Lead (Paint, Wipe, Soil and Air), and Environmental Microbiology in the attached PDF files:
- Industrial Hygiene
- Environmental Lead
- Environmental Microbiology
- AIHA LAP Certificate
- AIHA-LAP, LLC Scope of Accreditation IHLAP(.PDF)
- AIHA-LAP, LLC Scope of Accreditation EMLAP(.PDF)
- AIHA-LAP, LLC Scope of Accreditation ELLAP(.PDF)
The New York State Department of Health approves SGS Galson for environmental air and solid & hazardous waste analyses. The approval conforms to the requirements of the National Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (NELAP) and / or the Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP). Please refer to the links below for specific accreditations:
- NYS DOH ELAP Environmental Analyses Air and Emissions (.PDF)
- NYS DOH NELAP Environmental Analyses Air and Emissions (.PDF)
- NYS DOH ELAP Environmental Analyses Solid and Hazardous Waste(.PDF)
- NYS DOH NELAP Environmental Analyses Solid and Hazardous Waste (.PDF)
SGS Galson participates in several round robin programs with other laboratories. The programs include:
- Interlaboratory quality control – Mold and Asbestos
- MSHA – diesel particulate matter
Please check the regulations for the jurisdiction you are collecting samples from to ensure that the certifications that we hold cover the analyses you want performed. We are not liable for samples submitted from jurisdictions for which we do not hold license or certification to analyze.